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Leadership Styles Questionnaire Essay Samples
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Global Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Worldwide Strategy - Essay Example The organization takes into account The United States, Canada, Europe just as the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. The organization on one hand gives the broadcast communications administrations and then again is the maker of the remote phones, cell phones just as tablets. The organization has predominant nearness in the European Markets of Germany, Poland, Hungary, Australia, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Macedonia, Croatia and Montenegro. The organization has an endorser base of 150 million which makes it perhaps the biggest player in the business. The organization is an openly recorded organization and is being recorded in all the stock trades of Germany and in one of the stock trades of the USA. T-portable has a worker base of in excess of two thirty thousand and has numerous auxiliaries outside the district of Germany in the spots referenced. The organization earned income of 58.2 billion euro in the year 2012. The historical backdrop of the organization goes back to the year 1985 when the main media transmission administrations were presented in the nation of Germany. The legislature postal administrations additionally directed the media transmission frameworks under the name of Deutsche Bundespost. The first GSM system of Germany began its activities from 1989. The organization which was in those days controlled and worked by the administration was privatized in the year 1996 under the name of Deutsche Telekom. In 2002 the organization was renamed to T-Mobile by transforming it German structure and making it more anglicized. In the year 2010, T-Mobile began a joint endeavor with the auxiliary in France. In Germany be that as it may, the activities of the different auxiliaries of the organization were consolidated. This offered ascend to another substance that basically worked in the market to be specific Telekom Deutschland GmbH. In this manner the T-portable was not, at this point existent in the nation of Germany. Corporate structure The corporate struct ure of the organization has been worked in, for example, path as to cause the organization to support over the long haul. The organization needs to consent to the German Corporate Governance Code on the grounds that the organization is situated in this nation. There are seven wide divisions in the association that assume the liability of the different territories of the organizations of T-Mobile. A portion of the zones anyway are cross utilitarian and are interlinked. There are the divisions like the Marketing, Human Resources, Finance, Operations, Legal and Compliance just as the Data Privacy Departments. Every one of these Departments is constrained by Board of Directors. These sheets are additionally sectioned dependent on the topographical area and territory of activity. These offices are Germany, T-Systems and Europe and Technology. The organization had an interior concentrate all through the residency of its business (Thompson, 2012, pp. 198-234). The supervisors and the centr al planners of the organization guaranteed that the organization kept up a decent degree of income and recorded an agreeable fury in the EBITDA of the organization. These figures went down in the year 2012 in light of the fact that the organization needs to meet a few money related focuses in the specific financial year. The organization had the option to meet the different sorts of
Monday, July 13, 2020
How to Cite an Instagram Post
How to Cite an Instagram Post (10) Social media might be something you do for fun in your spare time, but that doesn’t mean you’ll never need to use social media posts in a more formal setting. With hundreds of millions of users on Instagram, there is a ton of relevant and verifiable content, so learning how to cite an Instagram post is useful. Regardless of whether you’re looking to cite an Instagram photo or video, we have you covered for MLA format, APA format, and Chicago style. Citing these kinds of posts might seem tricky, but we’ve laid out clear instructions below on how to cite each kind of post, supplemented by citations of example posts from cool Instagram accounts you should totally check out. Citing an Instagram Photo When you’re looking to cite a photo from Instagram, you need only take four important pieces of information into consideration. You don’t need to worry about anything else other than which of the three citation styles you need for your particular assignment or paper. To correctly cite an Instagram photo, you must take the following pieces of information into consideration: Instagram account holder’s name (or username) Photo title or description Names of any other contributors Date photo was published on Instagram Date it was accessed Photo URL Note: Citing a photo that you retrieved from Instagram isn’t much different than citing a photo that you found anywhere else online, and once you get the hang of it, you should be in good shape to cite any photo on Instagram, regardless of what account it is posted on. To help make the process a little easier to understand, we’ve included an example (a cool nature photo that was reposted on National Geographic’s Instagram account from photographer Corey Arnold’s account). Use the following structure to cite an Instagram photo in MLA 8: Account holder’s Last name, First name or Username. “Photo Title or Description.â€* Instagram, Other contributors, Date photo was published, URL (without // or //). *If no title is available, create a simple description and do not place it in italics or quotation marks. Here’s how the above example would be cited in MLA 8: National Geographic. Photo of Bering Sea. Instagram, photographed by Corey Arnold, 2 Apr. 2017, www.instagram.com/p/BSaisVuDk7S/?taken-by=natgeo. Use the following structure to cite an Instagram photo in APA: Account holder’s Last Name, First Initial or Username (Year, Date Published). Photo title* [Photo description]. Retrieved from URL *If the person’s full name and their username are both available, place the full name first and then their [username] inside brackets directly following it. **If the item does not have an official title, place a description of it in brackets. Here’s how the above example would be cited in APA: National Geographic [@NatGeo]. (2017, April 2). [Photograph of the Bering Sea by Corey Arnold]. Retrieved from //www.instagram.com/p/BSaisVuDk7S/?taken-by=natgeo Use the following structure to cite an Instagram photo in Chicago: Account holder’s Last name, First name or Username. “Photo Title.†Instagram, Date published. Date accessed. URL. Here’s how the above example would be cited in Chicago: National Geographic. “Photo of Bering Sea by Corey Arnold.†Instagram, April 2, 2017. Accessed April 7, 2017. //www.instagram.com/p/BSaisVuDk7S/?taken-by+natgeo. Citing an Instagram Video In addition to learning how to cite photos on Instagram, you also might be wondering how to cite videos posted to the social media platform, especially since more and more people seem to be incorporating videos on social media in addition to photos. Luckily, the process for citing videos from Instagram is pretty similar to the process for citing photos from Instagramâ€"and it’s also similar to the process of citing videos found on any other website. While it might seem confusing initially, if you take note of the pieces of information listed below, you should be in good shape! To correctly cite an Instagram video, you must take the following pieces of information into consideration: Instagram poster’s name (or username) Video title or description Names of any other contributors Date the video was published on Instagram Date it was accessed Video URL Note: Once you have these pieces of information, you just need to check and make sure you’re using the proper citation style as needed for your particular assignment or paper. All three citation styles outlined here require these four important pieces of information and nothing more. Below, you’ll find details on how to cite in MLA 8, APA and Chicago styles, as well as a specific example of a video cited from Instagram (check out @itsdougthepug for more photos and videos like this one). Use the following structure to cite an Instagram video in MLA 8: Poster’s Last name, First Name or Username. “Video Title.â€* Instagram, Other contributors, Date published, URL (without // or //). *If no title is available, create a simple description and do not place it in italics or quotation marks. Here’s how the above example would be cited in MLA 8: @itsdougthepug. I Climb All The Time…Into Bed. Instagram, April 2, 2017, www.instagram.com/p/BSWo9-0j940/?taken-by=itsdougthepughl=en. Use the following structure to cite an Instagram video in APA: Poster’s Last Name, First Initial. [Username].* (Year, Date). Title of video [Video File] (or short description if there’s no title. Place this information in brackets). Retrieved from URL *If the author’s full name is not available, place their username first. Here’s how the above example would be cited in APA: @itsdougthepug. (2017, April 2). I climb all the time…into bed [Video File]. Retrieved from //www.instagram.com/p/BSWo9-0j940/?taken-by=itsdougthepughl=en Use the following structure to cite an Instagram video in Chicago: Poster’s Last name, First name or Username. “Video Title.†Instagram video, Date published. Date accessed. URL. Here’s how the above example would be cited in Chicago: @itsdougthepug. I Climb All The Time…Into Bed. Instagram video. April 2, 2017. Accessed April 7, 2017. //www.instagram.com/p/BSWo9-0j940/?taken-by=itsdougthepughl=en.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Hitler s Rise Of Power And Get His Fascist Ideas
Why Did Hitler Rise to Power and Get his Fascist Ideas This essay will talk about the life of the Nazi Party (also known as the National Socialist German Workers Party), Fascism in Germany, and Adolf Hitler. It will think about what influenced Germany to vote for the Nazis and whether or not Hitler was brought up with the idea of fascism, or whether he was mentally scarred from a young age. This essay will also discuss about how did the Nazis do in their early years in the German elections, and how did a fascist party with such ludicrous ideas persuade a country as large and as multi - religion as Germany? A multitude of different factors contributed to the rise of Fascism within the period of post-World War 1 Germany. As Adolf Hitler was the perpetrator and mastermind behind much of the rise of Fascism in Germany, factors which contributed to his opinions and ideals must obligatorily be looked at in this topic. His failed attempted career in art, the death of his mother, his homelessness in Vienna, his time in prison (in which he wrote Mein Kampf), his time at war at an early age; all of these circumstances contributed to his Fascist ideals, and therefore to the rise of Fascism and the popularity of the Nazi Party. Other incidents unrelated directly to Hitler bestowed extremists much power as people were dissatisfied with the current state of affairs and the republic provided extremists (namely the Nazis, other right-wingers and the Communist Party) with a scapegoat.Show MoreRelatedThe Fascist Leader in Germany1151 Words  | 5 Pages Fascism was around approximately forty years. From 1921-1943, Mussolini was the Fascist leader in Italy and Hitler was the Fascist leader in Germany. Many people thought Fascism could improve their countries because the leaders who stepped up to power, promised great improvements. They also convinced the citizens that they had nothing more to worry about. When Fascist leaders were brought to power, they promised the people their lives would be better and their country would be saved. FascismRead MoreThe Rise of Fascism in Nazi Germany882 Words  | 4 PagesThe Rise of Fascism in Nazi Germany After the end of World War 1 (WW1), Germany was in charge of taking full responsibility for the money lost, the mass destruction, and the lives that were killed. This greatly hindered the German economy, which brought the whole country down. German soldiers returning home from the war could not get the supplies they needed to survive and turned to fascism. Not too long after WW1, the whole world went into a great depression, which alsoRead MoreComparing The Way Of Adolf Hitler, A Fascist Dictator, And Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin1629 Words  | 7 PagesTo analyze the differences in the way Adolf Hitler, a fascist dictator, and Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, a communist dictator, controlled their countries and made political decisions, we have to learn what Fascism and Communism are. We must also look at how Hitler and Stalin came to power, as well as how they controlled their government. Starting with Fascism, it is basically when the state is the supreme power. Nothing gives orders above the state, and the state gives all orders. It is a strongRead MoreWorld War Two Was the Result of the Aggression and Ambition of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party991 Words  | 4 Pagesand Ambition of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party The causes of the Second World War at bottom relate to the rise of distinction of two powers and the relative decline of another. Those that rise to distinction were Germany and Japan that - Which declined was Britain. Germany and Japanonce that were ultimately prepared were now ready to alter the power structures in there perspective areas by force. Adolf Hitler and the Nazi ideologies were fascists or the more generalisedRead MoreCauses Of Ww2 And Appeasement During World War II1553 Words  | 7 Pagespeople have different ideas on how World War Two was caused. However it was not one single event that set of the war, it was an accumulation of many problems that built up over time. Though many factors contributed in starting the war there were three that were the most prominent, these were, the effects of the Treaty of Versailles, Hitler s actions, and the failure among the league of nations. The treaty left people starving, impoverished ,and furious. Hitler was not a man of his word, which createdRead MoreThe Nazi Evangelicalism : Nazi Propaganda1423 Words  | 6 PagesHargurdev Singh Professor Garoupa English 7 29 September 2014 The Nazi Evangelicalism In 1940 s Europe, many nations were polluted with Nazi propaganda depicting the power and superiority of the German people. Alongside these propaganda posters, Adolf Hitler, the German Fà ¼hrer, was also portrayed in an angelic light and as an individual that was brought into this world to cleanse it of its sins. He was seen as a god-like figure that could bring this world to what it was supposed to be, a GermanRead MoreAccount for the responses of the European democracies to the military aggression by Italy and Germany during the 1930s.1547 Words  | 7 Pagesthe annals of world history in the 20th century. Mussolini and Hitler’s rise to power was clearly a threat to the freedoms of the United States and its Allies. Through God’s grace and omnipotence, the US alliance, industrialization and intellectual might, we had the resources required to overcome the fierce and mighty threat of Fascism in the Free World.â€Æ' In the 1930s, European governments found it necessary to appease Hitler and Mussolini. Appeasement is the word that clearly sums up the policiesRead MoreEssay on Comparison of Mussolini and Hitler4381 Words  | 18 PagesComparison of Mussolini and Hitler Fascism was a totalitarian political movement that developed after 1919 as a reaction against the political and social changes brought about by World War 1 and the spread of socialism and communism. It flourished between 1919 and 1945 in several countries, mainly Germany, Spain, Italy, and Japan. Fascism is a form of totalitarian dictatorship that had ideals such as extreme nationalism, economic self sufficiency and military strength. The dictators abolishedRead MoreThe Real-Life Counterparts of 1984s Oceania Essay1616 Words  | 7 Pages Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin are household names, but what about the more obscure individuals Muammar Qaddafi, Xi Jinping, and Kim Jong-un? George Orwell used 1984 as a prediction of what could happen if the fascism in Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia persisted. The dystopian, fascist government that exists in 1984 resembles the governments in the real-life, modern-day countries of Libya, China, and North Korea. The government in Orwell’s Oceania is fascist, causing citizens like Winston andRead MoreThe Rise Of Power Under Hitler2535 Words  | 11 PagesPrompt 1: Compare and contrast the rise of and consolidation of power under Hitler with the rise of and consolidation of power under Mussolini with specific reference to conditions that led to their authoritarian states, their respective aims and ideologies, and the extent to which their totalitarian aims were achieved. Benito Mussolini was born into an Italian family that held socialist and republican beliefs and therefore, he too was raised with these beliefs in mind. After participating in
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
High School And Middle School - 1458 Words
The junior high school and middle school is basically the same thing. Today we still have junior high schools but the mostly named that way because of the historically context. Looking at my notes taken from this year, middle schools span from 6 th to 8 th grade, the schedule is flexible and block depending on the class. Teachers have interdisciplinary teams and they work together as a grade level instead of working on common classes they teach. Lastly in the middle school, everyone is a team and everyone is working together. I picture it as one team, one heartbeat. Everyone is working together make the school alive figuratively speaking. To make sure middle school are developmentally responsive and socially equitable, The Nation Forum to Accelerate Middle-Grades Reform, introduced the award of Schools to Watch. This is award is only for middle schools and in nationally recognized. As of now they are seventeen states, including South Carolina, that are involved with Schools to Wa tch. According to SCAMLE.org, we have fifteen middle schools who have been received this award and six middle schools are actively involved either being new or re-designated. By meeting the prestigious requirements, these selective schools show advanced academically excellence, high developmental responsiveness, social equity, and organization structures and processes. Teachers have a tough role because most principals and superintendents worry about testing. Yes testing is good but sometimesShow MoreRelatedThe High School Of Middle School Essay1179 Words  | 5 Pagesbelieve â€Å"ignorance is bliss†while others believe it is better to know everything. If I had continued the last month of my seventh grade year in ignorance, I would of been better off. Seventh grade, the middle of middle school. Some people did not like middle school at all, personally I loved middle school, especially seventh grade. The reason seventh grade was this magical year is simple a boy was talki ng to me. Not just any boy, a boy with beautiful amber brown eyes, fluffy brown hair and one of theRead MoreMiddle School And High School1742 Words  | 7 PagesMiddle school and high school were very different for me. Both schools lack diversity and consisted of people just like me, but in middle school everyone’s identity were practically the same. I attended Catholic school until high school and had all white classes until then too. Throughout middle school I was a rather mischievous student who did not place academics too highly on my list of priorities, so I was often making the teacher’s job much harder than it needed to be. If not for how involvedRead MoreHigh School And Middle School Essay1614 Words  | 7 PagesAs you enter freshmen year you will immediately notice the differences between high school and middle school. Change will be inevitable. With a new building to explore, new faces in the halls, and a new schedule to memorize nothing will be the sam e. Most importantly, the biggest change you will notice will be the change within yourself. Transitioning from middle school to high school means growing, it means taking risks and stepping outside of your comfort zone. How you change will depend on yourRead MoreThe Middle School And High School Essay1060 Words  | 5 PagesAlmost all people have gone through it and know the difficulties and challenges of being a freshman in high school. Not only do freshman skills and attitudes grow before your eyes, but their bodies also morph so quickly that you barely even recognize your students by the end of the year (Donegan, 2008). The review of literature has shown that the transition from middle school to high school is extremely difficult in all facets of a teenager’s life. Freshman students are challenged academicallyRead MoreMiddle School And High School881 Words  | 4 Pagesin 5th grade because the teachers thought it was best for me to get all the help I needed now i nstead of struggling in the future. When middle school and high school arrived, I remember being excited to see what what different books we were going to read each year or what exciting things we were going to be writing about. My all-time favorite book from high school was, and still is, Joseph Conrad’s, Heart of Darkness. Now that I’m in college I recognized that I loved my English classes because I lovedRead MoreGraduation Speech : School, Middle School And High School870 Words  | 4 PagesGrammar school, middle school, and most high schools share one thing in common; they offer the same basic history, math, English, science, and social science course. By the time high school comes around students have already learned the same things again but only this time it is harder and more in depth. College becomes a time that a student really begins to learn about what they want to do with the rest of their lives. When applying to college, applicants don’t apply to learn math, English, historyRead MoreDrug Testing For High Schools And Middle Schools1301 Words  | 6 PagesPersuading kids to not do drugs is a tough subject to approach as parents and teachers. When it comes to kids being unhappy, they will more than likely hear that drugs bring happiness to them. With drug testing involved in high schools and middle schools. The students should see that it is no longer an option to do drugs in order for their own self happiness. Students can result to other options that are more acceptable to society, and not to mention activities that are legal. Although these kidsRead MoreHigh School / Middle School Science Teacher862 Words  | 4 PagesI want to be a high school/middle school science teacher. I want to teach kids, to show them that the world is their playground. That they can do anything and everything they put their little, bright, energetic minds too. Education is the world I’m putting myself into. I’ve known since I was four that wanted to work with kids, so teaching was the. I get to show them a whole new world full of advantage, and excitement. I get to see them make connections, to make that jump from the norm, inside theRead MoreThe Transition Through Middle School And High School890 Words  | 4 Pagesunexpectedly as it does. The transition through middle school and high school has changed me thoroughly. I’ve learned that high school has made me smarter for who to trust and judge people more than I usually do. High school gave me more options, viewpoints, and ideas. I mature in almost every way, and learn more about myself for what I’m good at. There will be hard times but eventually get through them. It started when I was a freshman in high school. It was a 10-minute walk from my house. I gotRead MoreThe Transition between Middle School and High School1748 Words  | 7 Pagestransition between middle and high school; many make it through this transition. I apparently, wasn’t good enough for that transition, and I didn’t get in. I also didn’t even apply for the spot, so this not getting in thing made no sense to me on the first day. However, later on, I discovered that it mattered a lot more than I had first thought. Mostly because it basically sealed my fate for the rest of my life. Suffice to say, I am the single unluckiest person in this whole school. Unrivaled by anyone
Management Styles through Different Leaders Free Essays
Management Styles through Different Leaders Essay – A growing body of evidence in the business environment supports that leaders are made and not born. However, a good leader must have patience, commitment, knowledge, and experience to manage the subordinates. In other words, a good leadership style is developed through training, education, self-commitment, and accumulation of experience. We will write a custom essay sample on Management Styles through Different Leaders or any similar topic only for you Order Now (Zaleznik, 2004). More importantly, leadership is one of the most researched concepts in business studies because of the contributions of a leader to the organizational achievement. This study also compares the management styles through different leaders by reviewing leadership styles of Carlo Slim and Bill Gates. A good leader transforms an organization and shapes the economy. Carlo Slim and Bill Gate are the examples of the leaders who use their different management styles to transform the economy and their respective organizations.The objective of this document is to provide an analysis of management styles through leaders. This study also compares the leadership styles of Carlo Slim and Bill Gates. Management Styles through Different Leaders K?yak, et al. (2011) define the conceptual leadership as a selective, role-taking, empathetic and selective process that assist in handling the strategic initiative of an organization. Clarks, (2009) points out that leadership is the major factor that determines the success or failure of an organization. However, leadership and management overlap because an individual must have both leadership and management skills to be effective in an organization. Management involves an ability to achieve a specific task. However, leadership is a broader concept that involves a process by which leaders nurture and communicate ideas to the subordinates. To modify or extend this essay or to get pricing on a custom essay Contact Us Today A strategic leadership plays an expanding role in enhancing competitive advantages. In a healthcare organization, leaders are called upon to use their problem-solving skills and knowledge to develop creative solutions to problems. Creative leadership involves the ability to invent or develop new solutions to challenging problems. One of the exemplified leaders in the healthcare organization was Robert, a nurse leader, who used democratic leadership style to assist her staff growing independently. (Clark,. 2009). Henry Fayol argues that both leaders and managers delegate powers to their subordinates to assist an organization to balance responsibility and authority to achieve a specific task. However, management process involves planning, staffing, organizing, controlling and directing. In this Essay we will compare the management styles through different leaders. Bill Gates Bill Gates is one of the exemplified leaders who integrate management process into his leadership ability to achieve competitive advantages for the Microsoft Corporation. He is a business giant, and highly regarded in the IT and business world, often ranked in the Fortune 500 as one of the top 10 most admired business leaders. Bill used autocratic leadership styles to direct his subordinates before his retirement from Microsoft in 2008. Gates’ success was attributed to his controlling ability and quick decision-making process. (Demuth, Hammond, 2013). Sometimes, Gates exhibited more than one leadership styles depending on circumstances. While Gates used the autocratic style as the dominant leadership style in managing the business, however, Gates would not have been successful if adopted only an authoritarian style because the authoritarian style is not appropriate for innovation and can hinder the creative ability of followers. Zentner, (2016) believed that Bill was a servant leader who focused on helping others to achieve their goals. â€Å"Servant leadership focuses on the betterment and support of others by seeking to meet the interests, needs, and ambitions of others’ above one’s own.†(Zentner, 2016 p 1). When a servant leadership style is implemented appropriately, it can enhance employee behaviors and outlook, which drives motivation for higher performances and changes. To modify or extend this essay or to get pricing on a custom essay Contact Us Today Carlos Slim Carlos Slim is another leader in Mexico who integrates the transformational leadership styles in his management style to transform himself into a business giant. Mr. Slim is a native originally from Mexico. At a tender age, he received a business lesson, which helped him to understand the method to increase his personal fund. At the age of 12, he started investing in shares and after completing an engineering course at the University of Mexico at the age of 25, Slim incorporated his first company named Inmobiliaria Carso in 1966. He inculcated the spirit of transformational leadership by diversifying his business ventures using the visionary skills to actively invest in various businesses when Mexico was facing the economic problems. Management Styles through Different Leaders – Carlo Slim and Bill Gates Carlo Slim leadership style is influenced by his personal beliefs and principles, which he has inculcated in transforming his business empire. Unlike founder of Microsoft who used the autocratic leadership style in managing the Microsoft Corporation, Slim incorporated the transformational leadership styles when making a business decision. Yavirach, (2015) argues transformational leaders use the intellectual capability to stimulate their subordinates to achieve better performances. Slim uses the transformational leaders to transform Telmex into the biggest telecommunication company in the Latin America. Although, both Slims and Gates are entrepreneurs, and multi-billionaires in the North America, however, their leadership principles are different. While Gates uses the combination of autocratic, and servant leadership styles in running his business empire, Slim focuses on the transformational leadership style using the intellectual capabilities and charismatic qualities to solve the business problems. While both leaders use different styles in managing their business, both have been successful in their line of businesses. Conclusion Many leaders in the North American have been able to combine both the management and leadership styles to transform their organizations into business empires. This study proves that management styles through different leaders do overlap, however, a combination of both leadership and management skills is critical to achieving competitive market advantages. The study also compares Gates and Slim management styles through different leaders, and the results of the analysis reveal Gates uses the combination of servant and autocratic leadership styles to manage his businesses, however, Slim relies on transformational leadership style to solve business problems. To modify or extend this essay or to get pricing on a custom essay Contact Us Today References Clark, C. C. (2009). Creative nursing leadership management. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett. Demuth, P., Hammond, T. (2013). Who is Bill GatesNew York: Grosset Dunlap, An Imprint of Penguin Group (USA) Inc. K?yak, M., Bozaykut, T., Gungor, P., Aktas, E. (2011). Strategic Leadership Styles and Organizational Financial Performance: A Qualitative Study on Private Hospitals. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 24, 1521-1529. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.09.090 Yavirach, N. (2015). The Impact of Transformational and Transactional Leadership to Subordinates Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment Affect to Team Effectiveness. SSRN Electronic Journal. doi:10.2139/ssrn.2159035 Zaleznik, A. (2004). Managers and Leaders: Are They DifferentHarvard Business Review. Zentner, A. (2016). Bill Gates: A Servant Leader. Research Gate Journal To modify or extend this essay or to get pricing on a custom essay Contact Us Today How to cite Management Styles through Different Leaders, Essay examples
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Volleyball college Essay Example For Students
Volleyball college Essay Have you ever struggled mightily for something and succeeded? What made you successful? I looked in their faces and knew mine mirrored theirs. I didnt want it to, but it did. Just ten minutes ago, we all were so jubilant. We were so sure we were going to win. We had all wanted it for so long, but we finally felt is as our destiny just a few moments ago. But as our opponent threw the ball in the air, I knew she was just about to serve another ace. However, when the ball landed three feet in front of our best passer, something snapped inside of me. We were going to win the game. That was the end of it. I knew it. We were the winners of that game. I stood up and yelled in a voice that even frightened me. I didnt scream about moving our feet, or calling the ball, I screamed about how big of winners we were. I was done with moping. For seven minutes of my life, I had forgotten that I could do anything I set my mind to, and I had given up. The worst seven minutes of my volleyball career were those seven minutes in the third game of the final match at Brighton Volleyball Tournament. I had put my determination down to wallow in my disappointment. We will write a custom essay on Volleyball college specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Disappointment needs to build determination. I had decided a long time ago that there were certain things in life that I could do better than other people. Those were my gifts. I use my gifts to my full potential. The server on the other team once again threw the ball into the air. This time, my teammate sprawled for the ball, and made a perfect pass to me, allowing me to set the ball and have my co-captain smash it to the ground. I looked once again at the faces of my teammates. Things were different now. I knew at once that they knew what I knew. We were the winners of that game. We remembered that at that point, and were assured of it when the referee blew the final whistle after I served an ace on game point. My determination and self-discipline returned the victory to my team. I have trained myself to use my talents to the best of my ability. In that game, I did not use only my volleyball skills, but my leadership skills gave me the power to change the expressions on my teammates faces. Benjamin Franklin synopsized my feelings when he said, Hide not your talents, they for use were made. .
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